Friday, February 29, 2008


  • Born August 15, 1796
  • Webt to military school at Brienne
  • First military campaign was cacptain at Toulon.
  • Arrested and jailed for being part of Maximillen Robespierre
  • Became involved with The Directory.
  • Took up command of Italy army.
  • In 1798 he conquered Ottoman and ruled egypt.
  • Abanddoned when his fleet was destroyed when there were beat by British in battle of the nile
  • 1799 became first consul
  • 1802 ade consul for life and two years later emporer
  • 1800 defeated austrians at battle of marengo
  • defeated at trafalgar
  • 1810 had childless marrage to Josephine de Beauharnais annulled.
  • married daughter of emporer and had son year later.
  • exile to medditerranian.
  • died may 5th 1821.

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